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We have well over 5000 manuals on this web site. The quickest way to find what you are looking for is to put it into the search box above. You can also use the navigation buttons on the left to drill down through the lists as we may have it listed in a slightly different name. If you still can't find it here, contact us as it is impossible to list all the manuals we hold and many are still stored on our database.


We have in stock:

Workshop Manuals which sometimes go under the name of Service or Repair Manuals.
These manuals are designed to show how to repair the mechanical side of the machine. A lot of manufactures no longer put the engine manual in with the workshop manual as different engines were used for the same machine. The engine manual will be a separate manual. The workshop manual will only show how to remove and replace the engine.
Within the section of Workshop Manuals are Electronics Manuals and Testing and Diagnostics Manuals.


Parts Manuals show all the parts of the machine in exploded diagrams with the part numbers to match. (these are not Workshop Manuals) They are used to order parts. The are also very useful when reassembling as they show the relationship of each part and how it goes together.


Operators Manuals are the manual that comes with the machine from new. It will inform you on regular services and quantities of Oil etc: How to operate it, what the levers and buttons do and other settings. It will not show you how to repair it. In some countries you must carry this manual on the machine at all times and the operator must be familiar with it.


We no longer supply printed manuals, production and shipping costs are very high. All our manuals are now digital either a download (which is not automatic and can take between 1-24 hrs to send the link, normally well within 3 hours depending on the server load) Manuals are available posted on a CD. We charge a small fee for the material and time but postage to anywhere in the world is FREE

We look forward to having you as a new customer and to the thousands of past customers thank you for your business over the years.